Once you have this information, you can go and collect the job. When you arrive at the collection address, you should present yourself as Courier Expert. Please remember to be polite and professional.
If there is a problem when collecting, do not complain, just walk back to your van and call us on 033 33 585 007, so that we can sort it out. If there is waiting time to be added, please also let us know as soon as possible, so we can bill the customer appropriately. REMEMBER: Waiting time is only payable from the moment you call us and let us know you are waiting, we cannot charge the customer for anything prior to this. Also, we do not charge or pay out for the first 15 minutes.
Make sure the load is suitable for your vehicle type, if not, let us know immediately, so we can arrange another vehicle.
All payments and waiting time for jobs are arranged and taken by Courier Expert – You do not need to speak to anyone at collection or delivery directly regarding payment for the job.
When you get to the collection point the goods have been loaded, check that the correct paperwork has been issued and there is no damage to the products on your van. If there is any damage make sure that it’s noted on the paperwork before you leave.
You must inform us that you have ‘goods on board’ by entering this on the system – to do this please click on the link emailed to you with the job details and enter the time of GOB.
Our system will then automatically email the customer to let them know the time the goods were loaded onto your vehicle.
Our jobs are booked on the basis that they are a dedicated vehicle. Our customers are expecting their goods to be picked up and taken straight from collection to delivery. If you are delayed due to traffic or any other reason please let us know ASAP so we are able to inform the customer.
When arriving at the delivery address, say that you are from Courier Expert and give them your paperwork. When the job has been completed, you will need to ask the customer to sign a POD. Please make sure you get a clear proof of delivery. If there is a delay of more than 15 minutes, call and let us know, so that we can inform the sender and negotiate any waiting time.
If you do not have your own POD’s, then use the sample POD in this pack. Print as many off as you need (it is always a good idea to have a few spare copies – You can use these for receipts or if you find yourself on another job)
On the system enter the POD time and the name of the person who has signed for it to do this please click on the link emailed to you with the job details and enter the time of POD.
Our system will then automatically email the customer to let them know the time the goods were delivered and who they signed for by.