We really are the Courier Experts…

Andy Stephens, is a true pioneer in the courier industry. Andy started his own courier company from scratch more than a decade ago, and it is still going strong today.

We really are courier experts, because we are an actual courier company that started from nothing, grew over a decade, and is still making courier runs every single day, all over the UK. We hire our own self-employed couriers (see, that’s the secret – larger courier companies DEPEND on self-employed couriers to make runs. That’s why there’s always work).

Andy Stephens
Courier Expert

About Us

More About Us

Courier Expert is one of the UK’s leading Courier Training and Sameday Delivery companies. We exist to help others become self-employed couriers, and guide them in establishing their courier business. We’re the authors of the Courier Expert Guide, the original and most respected UK Courier guide. This manual has everything you need to become a self-employed courier – how to register your business, all insurance regulations, hundreds of courier work opportunities, marketing materials (like a letter of introduction), and more. With this guide, hundreds have become full-fledged self-employed couriers (but there’s a need for plenty more.) But the guide is just the start – we support guide buyers with our membership platform, our private website is filled with real-time courier work opportunities (which are continually updated), forms, support, advice, tax and insurance-saving strategies, and more. So essentially, we get you started in business, then support you and even get you courier work. Where do you go from there? The sky is the limit!
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